
Our neuro-ophthalmologists provide advanced, patient-centered care with a team approach.


Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for neuro-ophthalmology?

Our neuro-ophthalmologists provide comprehensive management for neurologic diseases that may affect your field of vision 和 eye movements. 我们也治疗视神经疾病, which affect the nerve that carries visual information to your brain. Our specialists are part of the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Stein Eye Institute 和 Doheny Eye Centers, 哪个在全国排名第五 U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道的眼科护理排名.


以团队为基础的护理: Our specialists work closely with the 视神经病变中心 和 the departments of 神经学神经外科 提供全面的护理. We diagnose 和 treat the full range of optic nerve diseases, offering both inpatient 和 outpatient services.

研究重点: We continually research 和 implement new treatment options. By participating in clinical trials, eligible patients can access promising new therapies.

先进的工具: We use state-of-the-art diagnostic tools that allow us to make accurate, detailed diagnoses. Because of our comprehensive diagnostic process, 我们可以建立有效的, 个体化治疗方案.


Neuro-ophthalmologists are doctors who specialize in eye disorders related to the nervous system. Our experts provide comprehensive inpatient 和 outpatient care for patients with all types of nerve-related eye problems or vision loss.


自1991年以来, our neuro-ophthalmologists have offered multidisciplinary treatment of complex diseases involving the optic nerve. We use advanced diagnostic tools to create the most appropriate, 有效的治疗方案, 密切合作:

神经学家, 脑部和脊柱专家  

神经放射, specialists who read images of the brain, spine 和 spinal cord

神经外科医生, doctors who perform brain 和 spine surgery  

轨道的外科医生, specialists in procedures involving the eyes or eyelids


Our neuro-ophthalmologists care for patients with a wide range of conditions, including:

脑部肿瘤: A mass of irregular cells that grows uncontrollably 和 can be either cancerous (malignant) or noncancerous (benign). 肿瘤可压迫视神经, 视力模糊或重影的, 盲点和逐渐丧失视力.

脑神经麻痹: 功能丧失, weakness 和 possibly paralysis in the nerves that run from the brain to the face, 头部和躯干(脑神经). Palsies in certain cranial nerves may affect eye movements, cause eyelids to droop or lead to double vision or strabismus.

霍纳综合征: A rare disorder caused by damage in one of the nerves running from the brain to the face 和 eye. 它经常导致眼睑下垂, decreased pupil size or decreased sweating on one side of the face.

多发性硬化症: An autoimmune disorder in which the immune system damages the myelin, 神经保护层:覆盖在神经上的保护层. MS may cause optic nerve inflammation (optic neuritis), 什么会导致色觉丧失, 视力模糊或眼动疼痛.

重症肌无力: An autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks 和 damages the communication between muscles 和 nerves, leading to rapid muscle weakness 和 fatigue. Myasthenia gravis may affect the muscles that control eyelids 和 eye movements, 引起眼睑下垂或重影.  

视神经病变: 由于任何原因造成的视神经损伤, 包括血流受损, inflammation in the optic nerve (optic neuritis), 脑瘤或遗传性疾病. It can cause blurred vision, loss of color vision, blind spots, total vision loss 和 other symptoms.

视神经萎缩: 功能丧失 in some or most of the fibers in the optic nerve, 通常是视神经病变的结果. It can lead to blurred or distorted vision 和 limited color or peripheral (side) vision.  

可见大脑: Pressure buildup in the skull, often mimicking the symptoms of a brain tumor. 它会导致视力模糊或重影.

视网膜血管疾病: Conditions or injuries that block blood flow in the eye or cause fluid to leak, including retinal vein or artery occlusions, diabetic retinopathy or hypertensive retinopathy. Retinal vascular disease can cause blurred, reduced or double vision; floaters; or sudden vision loss.

斜视(斗鸡眼): Eyes that don’t look in the same direction. It’s often caused by nerve damage or dysfunction in the eye muscles.


Neuro-ophthalmologists create personalized treatment plans to restore your vision 和 improve your quality of life. 治疗包括:

视觉教具: Magnifiers, large-print devices or audio watches can help people with vision loss.

药物: Corticosteroids or other medicines may help reduce inflammation to prevent further vision loss.

眼肌手术: This procedure corrects strabismus by shortening or stretching the eye muscles as needed to realign the eyes.

We also coordinate closely with neurologists 和 neurosurgeons to manage neurologic diseases that affect the visual system.


Our neuro-ophthalmologists provide care for patients with all types of optic nerve conditions. We research promising treatment approaches 和 offer patients the most effective options.


呼叫 310-825-2631 to request an appointment with a neuro-ophthalmologist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


We offer a full range of treatments for optic nerve conditions. 呼叫 310-825-4344 for a referral 和 to find out more about our services.