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一项评估Dato-DXd和Durvalumab用于新辅助/辅助治疗三阴性或激素受体低/ her2阴性乳腺癌的III期随机研究

This is a Phase III, 2-arm, randomised, open-label, multicentre, 全球研究评估了新辅助Dato-DXd + durvalumab加辅助性durvalumab加化疗或不化疗与新辅助派姆单抗加化疗后辅助派姆单抗加化疗或不化疗在先前未治疗的TNBC或激素受体低/ her2阴性乳腺癌患者中的有效性和安全性.

Phase: Phase 3
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Contact: Monica Rocha



Phase: Phase 3
Primary Purpose: Prevention
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Open Actively Recruiting


在重症监护病房(icu)治疗的疾病,如急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS), congestive heart failure, COVID pneumonia, and sepsis are common. 这些会导致抑郁、焦虑和创伤后应激障碍的高发,从而降低生活质量. 然而,很少有有效的战略能够克服获得精神卫生保健机会有限的障碍. 来自种族和少数民族人群的患者的经历更少,因为他们没有被很好地纳入过去的研究.

To address this problem, the investigators developed Blueprint, 一款指导人们使用适应性应对技能来自我管理症状的移动应用程序. 研究人员发现,与安慰剂相比,它减轻了抑郁症状,提高了生活质量.

为了证实这些有希望的发现,研究人员正在对Blueprint进行正式测试. 研究人员将招募400名在4家医院(杜克大学)接受重症监护的患者, UCLA, Colorado, and Oregon). 这些患者将随机接受Blueprint移动应用程序或研究者开发的特殊教育计划移动应用程序. -both delivered through similar mobile app platforms. 我们的具体目标是在6个月的随访中看看哪种方案能更好地改善症状.


Phase: N/A
Primary Purpose: Supportive care
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Open Actively Recruiting

AMG 193单独或联合其他疗法治疗晚期胸椎肿瘤伴mtap纯合子缺失(主方案)

该研究旨在确定mta协同PRMT5抑制剂AMG 193与其他治疗联合给药的最大耐受剂量(MTD)或推荐联合剂量,用于转移性或局部晚期甲基硫腺苷磷酸化酶(MTAP)缺失的胸部肿瘤的成人参与者. 该研究还旨在确定AMG 193与其他疗法联合应用于转移性或局部晚期mtap缺失胸部肿瘤的成人患者的安全性.

Phase: Phase 1
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Contact: Joanna Gutierrez
Open Actively Recruiting


这是一项2期、多地点、两期、开放标签随机交叉(1期和2期)研究. 参与者按1:1的比例随机分配到两个8周的按需产品序列之一- ttfv灌洗然后口服F/TDF或口服F/TDF然后ttfv灌洗-中间有2至4周的洗脱期. Domains of safety, acceptability, adherence, and PK/PD (sub-study only) are assessed for each product.

Phase: Phase 2
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: Male
Age Group: Adults
Contact: Kevin Pizarro
Open Actively Recruiting

Study of the CHK1 Inhibitor BBI-355, an ecDNA-directed Therapy (ecDTx), in Subjects With Tumors With Oncogene Amplifications

BBI-355 is an oral, potent, 选择性检查点激酶1 (CHK1)小分子抑制剂作为ecDNA(染色体外DNA)定向治疗(ecDTx)的研究进展. This is a first-in-human, open-label, 3-part, 1/2期研究,以确定安全性,确定最大耐受剂量和推荐的2期剂量,BBI-355作为单一药物或与选定疗法联合使用.

Phase: Phase 1/Phase 2
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Open Actively Recruiting



Phase: Phase 4
Primary Purpose: Diagnostic
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Contact: Ladda Douangvila-Chhan
Investigator: Rushi Parikh, MD
Open Actively Recruiting

sn -101(抗VISTA)单药及联合塞米单抗治疗晚期实体瘤的研究

Phase 1/2 study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and efficacy of SNS-101, 一种新型抗VISTA IgG1单克隆抗体,用于晚期实体瘤患者的单药治疗或与西米单抗联合治疗.

Phase: Phase 1/Phase 2
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Open Actively Recruiting


This is a multicenter, Phase 1b/2 trial. 试验的1b期部分旨在确定elacestrant与alpelisib联合使用时的RP2D, everolimus, palbociclib, abemaciclib, and ribociclib. 该试验的2期部分将评估各种组合在ER+/HER2-晚期/转移性乳腺癌患者中的疗效和安全性.

Phase: Phase 1/Phase 2
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Contact: Monica Rocha
Open Actively Recruiting


This is a study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, FTX-6058在镰状细胞病患者中的药代动力学和药效学.

Phase: Phase 1
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Contact: Bruck Habtemariam
Investigator: Mary E. Sehl, MD
Open Actively Recruiting

Pulmonary Hypertension Association Registry

PHA登记(PHAR)是一项关于肺动脉高压(PAH)和慢性血栓栓塞性肺动脉高压(CTEPH)患者的全国性研究。. PAH和CTEPH患者在全美参与PAH认证的肺动脉高压护理中心接受治疗.S.

PHAR will determine how people with PAH and CTEPH are evaluated, tested, and treated, and will observe how well these participants do. 目的是观察PH患者是否按照推荐的指导方针进行治疗, 看看是否有某些因素会导致更好或更坏的结果.

PHAR will include information about people with PAH and CTEPH in the U.S. who are seen at participating PHA-accredited PH Care Centers. PHAR contains data about patient care and outcomes. Specifically, data in the PHAR includes information on diagnosis; clinical status; socioeconomic status; diagnosis test results; body size; treatment information; interest in participating in clinical trials; family health and social history; and information about smoking, alcohol, or drug use. Participants are followed over time, and provide updates such as changes in therapy, how often participants need to go to the hospital, and survival. Such information may help healthcare providers provide better care.

Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Contact: Lloyd Liang
Investigator: Rajan Saggar, MD
Open Actively Recruiting

Vilastobart (XTX101)单药治疗和Vilastobart和Atezolizumab联合治疗晚期实体瘤

This is a first-in-human, Phase 1/2, multicenter, 开放标签研究旨在评估vilastobart (XTX101)作为单一疗法和vilastobart (XTX101)和atezolizumab联合治疗晚期实体瘤患者的安全性和耐受性.

Phase: Phase 2
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Open Actively Recruiting



Phase: Phase 3
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Open Actively Recruiting


A first in human study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics (PK) of BBO-8520, a KRAS G12C (ON) inhibitor, 单药及联合派姆单抗治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌

Phase: Phase 1
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Contact: Cheyone Evans
Open Actively Recruiting

Safety, PK, PD, Dosing, rls -0071治疗类固醇难治性急性移植物抗宿主病住院患者的疗效观察

该研究是一项开放标签前瞻性剂量范围升级和扩展试验,以评估安全性, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Dosing, RLS-0071在类固醇难治性住院患者急性移植物抗宿主病(aGvHD)二次治疗中的疗效.

Phase: Phase 2
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults, Children
Contact: Bruck Habtemariam
Open Actively Recruiting


本研究将比较sacituzumab替鲁莫替康与医生选择治疗(TPC)在晚期/转移性胃食管腺癌患者中的安全性和有效性. 本研究的主要假设是,就总生存期(OS)而言,西妥珠单抗替鲁莫替康优于TPC。.

Phase: Phase 2
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Open Actively Recruiting


本研究的目的是表征间皮瘤患者使用IAG933的安全性和耐受性, NF2/LATS1/LATS2突变肿瘤和具有功能性YAP/TAZ融合的肿瘤,并确定最大耐受剂量和/或推荐剂量.

Phase: Phase 1
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Open Actively Recruiting

一项评估AMG 193联合其他疗法治疗晚期胃肠道患者的研究, Biliary Tract, 纯合子甲基硫腺苷磷酸化酶(MTAP)缺失的胰腺癌

该研究旨在确定mta协同PRMT5抑制剂AMG 193与其他治疗联合给药的最大耐受剂量(MTD)或推荐联合剂量,用于转移性或局部晚期甲基硫腺苷磷酸化酶(MTAP)缺失的胃肠道成年参与者, biliary tract, or pancreatic cancers. 该研究还旨在确定AMG 193与其他疗法联合应用于转移性或局部晚期mtap缺失胃肠道的成人参与者的安全性, biliary tract, or pancreatic cancers.

Phase: Phase 1
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Open Actively Recruiting

两种剂量的利西替尼在活性药物治疗中的2b期扩展研究, Moderate to Severe Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)

The overall study objective is to continue to assess the efficacy, safety, pharmacokinetics, 和利西替尼在先前的VGN-TED-301受试者中至第24周的药效学. 这些受试者包括VGN-TED-301第24周预后无反应或在VGN-TED-301随访期间复发的受试者.

Phase: Phase 2
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Contact: Pearl Heumann
Open Actively Recruiting

Safety, Immunogenicity, Efficacy of Ad26.Mos4.HIV-1感染成人的HIV、MVA-BN-HIV和PGT121、PGDM1400和VRC07-523LS

A multicenter, randomized, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, double-blind, Phase 1/2a clinical study to investigate the safety, tolerability, 由Ad26组成的疫苗方案的免疫原性和探索性功效.Mos4.改良安卡拉牛痘(MVA)-BN-HIV与广泛中和抗体(bNAb) PGT121联合用于HIV启动和增强, PGDM1400, 抑制性抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)在人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(HIV-1)感染研究参与者中的表达和VRC07-523LS.

Phase: Phase 1
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Gender: All
Age Group: Adults
Investigator: Kara Chew, MD, MS