
Our compassionate experts specialize in caring for adults with cystic fibrosis (CF). We have extensive experience helping young people transition from pediatric to adult CF care. We work with you to maximize your health and improve your quality of life.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 experts created this specialized program to help the growing number of adults over age 18 with cystic fibrosis (CF), 危及生命的肺部疾病. We use a team approach to deliver customized, comprehensive care. 当你来找我们时,你会发现:

公认的专业技能: 我们的项目得到了囊性纤维化基金会的认可. We’re committed to delivering the highest quality care to adults with CF while significantly improving quality of life.

协调治疗和支持: Cystic fibrosis requires collaborative care from a team of specialists. At our dedicated center, you’ll have access to multiple experts under one roof. We bring these experts together to provide you with convenient, comprehensive care.

无缝过渡到成人CF护理: We work closely with the UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital to offer patients a smooth transition from pediatric to adult CF care. We understand the unique CF challenges that can come with age. Our compassionate team is here for you with effective therapies and support.


Our team approach allows us to deliver treatments and support that address the specific needs of adults with CF during every phase of the disease. Specialists in several fields smooth the transition from pediatric to adult care, 通常发生在青春期或成年早期. During this time, people with CF can be especially vulnerable and gaps in care can develop.

我们提供一系列的病人教育, support programs and specialized care to address issues that adults with CF often need to manage. 这些包括:

  • CF-related糖尿病, which can develop from scarring on the pancreas (due to excess mucus production over time)
  • Complications associated with multiresistant bacteria and lung infections
  • Dietary, nutritional and gastrointestinal (GI) issues that may develop or worsen with age
  • 不孕和与怀孕相关的风险
  • 保险范围和财务问题
  • Mental health and emotional concerns that can accompany dealing with a chronic disease
  • Managing jobs, 的关系, medical care and independent living
  • 胰腺功能不全, which happens when the pancreas doesn’t produce enough enzymes (a type of protein) to digest food in the small intestines


Cystic fibrosis is a rare, life-threatening, inherited disorder (passed down through families). 它会导致肺部和消化系统出现问题. Thick, sticky mucus and other fluids build up and clog the lungs. Signs of CF usually appear in early childhood and include coughing, wheezing and lung infections.

随着CF患儿年龄的增长,症状会恶化. The condition can lead to other health issues as well, including diabetes and GI problems. As adults transition away from pediatric CF specialists, it can be increasingly difficult. 许多患有囊性纤维化的成年人发现兼顾一份工作很有挑战性, 的关系, financial concerns and other responsibilities while managing their health.


You can count on 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 to deliver comprehensive CF treatment and support in a caring environment. We have experience with the full range of therapies, including:


We’re at the forefront of new medications that target the underlying cause of CF and slow the decline of lung function. These drugs can prevent infection, clear lungs and relax muscles in the airways. We work with you to determine the most appropriate medication based on the type of CF and your overall health.


随着患有CF的青少年成长并变得更加独立, it can be challenging to keep up with managing health concerns. Throughout this transition, our experienced, compassionate team is by your side. 我们的团队提供:

  • 运动计划及建议: Physical activity is especially important for people with CF. Our experts work with you to create a fitness plan based on your goals and health.
  • 心理健康咨询和社会心理支持: We offer a range of counseling services and support groups to manage emotions and adjust to new responsibilities.
  • 营养指导: We work with you to address digestive issues that can result from CF. Registered dietitians offer dietary changes, vitamins and supplements to improve GI health.
  • 生殖保健: 当你考虑要孩子的时候, 我们的专家帮助您权衡选择, 评估风险,制定适合自己的计划. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 genetic experts offer genetic counseling and testing to assist you with family planning.


If you need a lung transplant or liver transplant, our programs are among the best in the nation. Your cystic fibrosis team works closely with transplant specialists to coordinate your treatment plan and ensure world-class care.


Our team of cystic fibrosis experts includes top pulmonary specialists, 呼吸治疗师, 注册营养师及社工. We work closely with endocrinologists, gastroenterologists and infectious disease specialists.

肺部危重症护理, 囊性纤维化, 肺学, 重症监护医学
伊莱恩·哈林顿,注册会计师,BSN, AE-C
Pediatric and Adult 囊性纤维化 Program Coordinator 肺科专科护士, 小儿肺学
Social worker Sabah Akmal - Pediatric Clinical Social Worker
Karen Ochoa, LCSW
anna Serna, RCP, RRT-NPS, AE-C
Associates of Science in Respiratory Therapy Respiratory Therapist, 囊性纤维化
Kristen Saikali, RD


Our team works together to address the unique needs of adults with cystic fibrosis. 请致电 310-449-0939 与专家联系.


Our team works together to address the unique needs of adults with cystic fibrosis. 请致电 310-449-0939 与专家联系.